Animals of Komsomolsk State Nature Reserve
Komsomolsky state natural reserve is organized 3.10.1963 on a right coast of Amur, opposite to Komsomolsk - on - Amur. In 1880 the reserve was transferred by the Order of Council of Ministers RSDSR on Amur left bank into part near Amur's mouth of pool ( Gorin river). The reason of reserve transfer became initial territory degradation owing to high anthropogenous loading: withdrawals of a part of the grounds for resorts and pioneer camps construction for the townspeople, construction of lines of gas mains and electricity transmission lines, the big damage put by fires. New territory is removed from Komsomolsk -on - Amur for 49 kms, its area makes 64398, 4 hectares.
The territory of reserve includes mountain ridges, lowlands near rivers . The mountain part considerably surpasses the area flat. Mountains belong to the Nizhneamurskaya mountain group, being direct continuation of Sikhote - Alin. Average heights are 300-400 m. Woods cover 78% of reserve area . There prevail deciduous, birch and coniferous woods. Valley coniferous woods grow in Gorin's floodland, oak forests cover southern slopes of hills. Reservoirs occupy 7% of reserve territories, when bogs - 10%.
The lists of kinds of fishes given in the present collection, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals are resulted for the first time. The material was gathered by employees of reserve and other scientific establishments.
I.V.Bondarenko, R.K.Jurochkin and E.A.Êolbina
Stock - taking of fishes fauna living in waters of Komsomolsky reserve, began in 1987 and proceeds now. Fishing was carried out one-wall drift net of 40 m. long consisting of 4 ten-meter sites with mesh 16, 24, 40, 60mm long according to K.P.Philonov's and Y.D.Nuhimovskaya's methodical manuals (1990). The net was put for one day three times in each season, in constant points. Part of a catch is caught by smallmeshed net by a net from a coast, and also by hooked tackles.
The given list includes 44 kinds concerning 15 families. At realization of the further all-the-year-round researches this list, probably, will be added.
- Acipenser schrencki Brandt. There is in a small amount in Bich - Choney lake where passes from Amur through Prokop channel . It can be individually met in 50 km from Gorin's mouth. Spawning passes at the end of May prior to the beginning of July. No spawning at reserve's area of water.
- Huso daurlcus (Georgi). It is met more often than the sturgeon. Distribution in water area is similar to those of the sturgeon. Spawning passes also outside of reserve.
- Oncorhynchus keta (Walbauin). A passage kind. Two races of keta come into the river Gorin on spawning - autumn and summer races. Directly in territory of reserve keta spawn in three left-bank inflows of Gorin - in rivers Puylya, Ulami, Baturinka. The spawning course of summer keta begins in the beginning of July, the great bulk passes in the third decade of July, the end of a course falls to last dates of August. The autumn keta goes on spawning in the beginning of September. The great bulk passes in the third decade of September. The end of a course is between the end of October and the beginning of November.
- Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum). A passage kind, one of the smallest ones. No spawning on water area of reserve. Due to small number it is impossible to watch a spawning course. The beginning of a spawning course is in the middle of July.
- Hucho taimen (Pallas). One of the smallest kinds, in reserve water areas can be met only in spring and autumn. Spawning is in May.
- Brachyroystax lenok (Pallas). It can be usually met in summer only in Gorin's mountain inflows, that is caused in temperature of water. Spawning migration begins in the beginning of April and proceeds up to middle of May. Winter migration passes from the middle of September till November. From the rivers where spawning of autumn keta is observed, lenok goes wintering for two three weeks later. On seen, it is caused by presence of accessible food as keta caviar.
- Coregonus ussuriensis (Berg) Not numerous kind; on water area of reserve can be met only from April till May, during fodder migration and from the beginning of October till November, on going to Amur for wintering
- Thymallus arctlcus grubet Dubowski A numerous kind, can be met in all small mountain rivers and streams in the reserve.
- Esox reicherti Dybowski. A mass kind, can be met everywhere. Spawning is from middle of May up to the end of July.
- Leuciscus waleckii (Dybowski). A numerous kind, does not make lingering migrations. On wintering go in the nearest holes at a confluence of mountain keys and rivers. Its populations in Gorin tend to reduce average size of individuals that is notable for Amur as well. Spawning is in first half of April.
- Phoxinus percnurus (Pallas) A numerous kind, can be met in shallow lakes.
- Phoxinus lagowskii Dybowski. A mass kind, can be met in all water areas of reserve.
- Pseudaspius leptocephalus (Pallas) A common kind evading high temperatures.In Gorin can be met in catches only in northern part of reserve, in a southern part adheres sites of the small rivers and streams. Spawning passes in superficial gulfs with quiet current at temperature of +10C -14C , at the end of June and the beginning of July.
- Pseudorasbora parva (Schlegel). It is not that common, can be met close to Gorin.
- Gobio gobio cinocephalus Dybowskl. The mass kind, can be met everywhere.
- Sarcochilichthys sinensis Dybowsky. A rare kind, can be met in Gorin in area of Zolotoy station.
- Saurogobio dabryi Bleeker. Not that numerous kind, is distributed on all water area of reserve.
- Hemibarbus labeo (Pallas). A mass kind on water area of reserve, is distributed everywhere. Spawning passes in July.
- Hemibarbus maculatus Bleeker. Not that numerous kind, can be met in northern part of reserve.
- Xenocypris macrolepis Bleeker. A numerous kind, a great bulk can be met in the middle and southern parts of reserve water area.
- Parabramis pekinensis (Basilewsky). A rare kind, can be met only close to mouth of Gorin.
- Erythroculter erythropterus (Basilewsky). A common kind, can be caught in all water areas of reserve.
- Eerythroculter mongolius (Basilewsky). A rare kind, can be met in water area of reserve sporadically, spawning in Gorin was not marked.
- Hemiculter leucisulus (Basilewsky). A mass kind in southern part of water area, in northern part can not be met.
- Elopichthys bambusa (Richardson). A common kind. Recently the increase of number has been observed.
- Opsariichthys uncirostris amurensis (Dybowskl) Berg. A rare kind, can be met in southern part of reserve water area.
- Rhodeus sericeus (Pallas). A mass kind. The basic accumulations is in southern part of reserve water area.
- Acanthorhodeus asmussi (Dybowskl). A mass kind, can be met on all reserve water area.
- Carassius auratus gibelio (Bloch). A mass kind, can be met on all reserve water area. The big accumulations are formed in inundated lake Bich - Choney. and in large gulfs and channels with weak current.
- Cyrpinus carpio haematopterus Temminck et Schlegel. Not numerous kind, a great bulk can be met in gulfs in the middle and southern parts of reserve. In northern part can be met while spawning in the June - beginning of July.
- Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Valenciennes. Not numerous kind. On water area of reserve can be met in area of Bich - Choney lake and below - on Gorin watercourse.
- Gobitis sp. Not numerous, can be met in the middle and southern part of reserve water area.
- Misgurnus fossilis anquillicaudatus (Cantor). Not numerous kind. Can be met mainly in southern part of reserve water area.
- Parasilurus asotus (Linne). A numerous kind, can be met on all reserve water area. Spawning is in July.
- Pseudobagrus fulvidraco Richardson. A mass kind. Can be met everywhere.
- Liocassis ussuriensis (Dybowski). A mass kind. Can be met everywhere. Spawning is in June.
- Liocassis braschnikowi Berg. A mass kind, can be met everywhere. Spawning is in July.
- Siniperca chua-tsi (Basilewsky). A common kind, prepubertal individuals can be met close to Gorin mouth site.
- Stizostedion lucioperca (Linne). A rare kind. In 1989 the single specimen was met close to Gorin mouth.
- Perccottus glenii Dybowski. A numerous kind, can be met in lakes, coves and channels.
- Mesocottus haitej (Dybowski.). A rare kind, can be met in northern part of reserve water area.
- Lota lota (Linne). Not numerous kind, prefers cold waters, that's why in the middle and southern water area can be met extremely seldom.
- Ophiocephalus argus warpachowskii Berg. Not numerous KIND, CAN BE met in southern part reserve water area more often, below Bich - Choney lake. It is individually met in the most northern part of reserve water area.
- Gasterosteus aculeatus Linne. A numerous kind, a great bulk can be met in southern part of reserve.
The sources used at drawing up of the annotated list of fishes
- E. A.Veselov. A determinant of freshwater fishes of USSR fauna./ Moscow, Prosveshenye
- Life of animals. Volume 4. The fishes. Edited by professor Ò. S.Rassa. / Moscow, Prosveshenye, 1971
- V.D.Lebedev, V.D. Spakovskaya, K.A.Savvaitova, L.I. Sokolov, E. A.Tsepkin Fish of the USSR ./ Moscow, Mysl
- G.V.Nikolsky Fishes of Amur pool / Moscow, Publishing house of USSR Academy of Sciences, 1956, p.551.
- Section "Fish" in " The annals of nature "(1988-1992). The executor:I.I. Bondarenko
- K.P.Filonov, J. V.Nuhimovskaja. The annals of nature in reserves of USSR. Methodical manual / Moscow, Nauka, 1990
V.A. Charchenko, O.G.Lazareva, V.A.Kolbin
The information on amphibious and reptiles of Gorin (lower Amur) before reserve formation contains in scientific report by F.R. Shtilmark (1967), in works by A.Kuznetsova (1974, 1975)
At drawing up the present list materials collected and processed by S.I.Shootsky of the Annals of reserve nature (1980 ) are used , as well as Annals of nature ( 1987 - 1990 ).
At revealing specific structure and an estimation of amphibias number and reptiles routing accounts extent of 2- 3 kms in night and daylight hours were carried out, coasts of the basic reservoirs were surveyed. Besides, hunting ditches with cylinders to catch amphibias and reptiles were used.
- Salamandrella keyserllngii Dybowski. A rare kind, can be met in area of Tihy cordon and Zolotoy station, is met under snags and in holes in a wood.
- Bufo raddei Strauch. A rare kind. A very %%%%%% kind, can be met in smalldetritus and stony coasts in Gorin's lower reaches and Amur channel on sites with slow current. Can be also met in area of a former village Bichi, in Zolotaya station, on the coast of Shargol channel.
- Bufo gargarizans Cantor.A numerous kind, can be met in the whole reserve, in all types of a wood, on bogs, on coasts of reservoirs.
- Rana amurensis Boulenger. A numerous kind, inhabits coast of reservoirs, tussock and moss bogs; penetrates into woods basically in July - August.
- Rana nigromaculata Hallo-well. Not that numerous kind, inhabits shallow well warmed reservoirs and adjoining to them territories.
- Hyla japonica Gunter. A common kind, can be met on coast of reservoirs, in deciduous and low-leaved woods of Gorin valley.
- Trionyx sinensis Wiegman. A very rare kind. There were only several cases of catching this kind for all existence of reserve.
- Lacerta vivipara Jacquin. A common kind, can be met on all territory of reserve; prefers birch forests,moistening deciduous and mixed woods, low woods on borders, floodlands of rivers and streams.
- Elaphe dione Palas. A numerous kind, can be met on all territory of reserve. It can be met in all types of wood, in inundated tussocks, on slopes of hills of southern exposition.
- Agkistrodon blomhoffii Boie. A common kind, can be met on all territory of reserve, prefers slight brushwoods sites of stony slopes, biotopes close to water, valley woods, various structures. In other types of a wood can be met less often.
- Agkistrodon intermedius Stravch. A common kind for all reserve. On biotopical timing is alike to #10.
- Vipera berus Linnaeus. A common kind, prefers overgrowing cinders, ðåäèíû, the mixed woods on slopes of hills, bogs. In other types of wood can be met much often.
The sources used at drawing annotated list of amphibians and reptiles kinds.
- Borkin L.Y., Darevsky I.S.List of amphibians and reptiles of USSR fauna - Amphibians and reptiles of reserved territories. Moscow, 1987, pp. 128-142
V.A.Kolbin, V.G.Babenko, G.N.Bachurin
There were K.A.Vorobyov(1954), V.I.Zinovyev(1960), V.D.Yachontov(1960), F.R. Shtilmark(1973), A.B.Kistyakovsky, L.A.Smogorgevsky(1973), V.G.Babenko, N.D. Poyarkov(1974) who carried out ornothological researches.However these researches bore not regular, fragmentary character. Purposeful study of airfauna territories in area close to Gorin's mouth began only with the organization of reserve( Kolbin,1988; Kolbin,1989; Babenko,Kolbin,1990; Kolbin,Babenko (in print).
The list of birds of the reserve made up on the basis of the materials collected by authors in its territory in the period between 1984 and 1993 is given below.
Study of birds number was carried out on constant and single routes, 5-12 kms length, in their various inhabitations.
On routes all birds were registered. Population density was calculated taking into consideration an average strip of detection determined for each kind in a concrete inhabitation (Kolbin, Babenko (in print).
Accounts of waterfowls were conducted from a boat. Study of birds seasonal movings(definition of specific structure, intensity and terms of migration) was carried out using stationary traps of helholland-like type and webnets.
- Gavia stellata (Pontoppidan). A rare kind. On flights: in the spring - in the first half of May, in autumn - from September to the first decade of October. Can be met in reservoirs adjoining to Amur.
- Gavia arctica (Linnaeus). A rare kind though it can be met on reservoirs more, often than the previous kind. Flies by in the first half of May and September or in the first decade of October.
- Podiceps ruficollis (Pallas). A stray kind. The unique meeting is registered 30.11.1984 in Ulami's mouth.
- Podiceps grisegena (Boddaert). A rare passage kind. It can be met on reservoirs of Amur's valley in May and September.
- Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnaeus). A rare kind. In Gorin separate birds and groups of 3 - 4 individuals could be met. No spawning in reserve.
- Botaurus stellaris (Linnaeus). A rare kind. It could be met close to Bich- Choney lake and Prokop channel. Spawning is propable.
- Ixobrychus eurhythmus (Swinhoe). A common passage and nesting kind. Arrives in the second half of May. Flying away - in the first half of September. Can be met on sedgy meadows on Gorin's coasts , and also on moss bogs close to reservoirs.
- Butorides striatus (Linnaeus). A rare, probably nesting kind. It could be met met in Ulami's mouth in June, 1987.
- Ardea cinerea Linnaeus. A common kind. In summer migrates all over Gorin's valley. Arrives in the 1st - 2nd decade of April, in autumn separate individuals are late up to the end of October.
- Ardea purpurea Linnaeus. A rare stray kind. In the first decade of July, 1978 on Shargol island separate individuals and groups up to 6 specimens could be met.
- Ciconia boyciana Swinhoe. A rare kind. Passage birds could be met met on meadows of Polustansky island and in vicinities sat Scourges in the third decade of April - the beginning of May.
- Ciconia nigra (Linnaeus). A rare kind. It could be met in the area of Mountain channel (Shtilmark, 1973) on a right coast of Amur opposite to reserve.
- Anser albifrons (Scopoll.) A numerous passage kind. Flight takes place in May, an autumn - in second half of September - the first decade of October. The quantity of birds in schools reaches 150-230 individuals, during flight there are some stops for feeding on Bich - Choney lake.
- Anser erythropus (Linnaeus) Not that numerous kind, flies by in the same terms as #13.
- Anser fabalis (Latham). A common kind, can be met on flights, sometimes is nesting close to Tockichen channels on meadows. Flies by in May and in the second half of September - the first decade of October. Schools usually consist of 10-60 individuals.
- Cygnus cygnus (Linnaeus) A common kind during flights mainly along Amur valley; is feeding on Bich - Choney and Gyaolyan lakes. Flight takes place from the second April decade up to the end of the second May decade and from the second half of September up to the end of the first decade of October.
- Anas platyrhynchos Linnaeus. A numerous, passage and nesting kind. Arrives in the beginning of the second April decade, autumn flight - in September and the first decade of October. Quantity reaches 7-9 individuals for 10 kms of a channel in spring. Nesting is through all Gorin's valley and on Amur's coast, fodder biotope is shallow waters.
- Anas poecilorhyncha Forster. A rare passage, probably nesting kind. In nesting period, in the first decade of June, 1978 it could be met on Shargol island. A passage individual bird was met in September,1988 at Polustansky island.
- Anas crecca Linnaeus. A common, nesting and passage kind. Nesting is on damp meadows, in bushes brushwoods close to shallow reservoirs. In spring quantity makes 5 individuals for 10 kms of a channel. Flight - from the third April decade up to the middle of May, in autumn an intensive flight takes place in the third September decade.
- Anas Formosa Georgi. It was one of the most numerous kinds of waterfowls. Last years it is not met.
- Anas falcata Georgi. A numerous, nesting and passage kind. In some years is more numerous than #17. An average quantity makes 6-7 individuals for 10 kms of a channel; nesting is through all Gorin valley and on Amur coast, it is feeding on shoalinesses. Flies by - from the end of April up to middle of May and in September, most intensively - in middle of month.
- Anas penelope Linnaeus. A common nesting and passage kind. Quantity makes 1- 2 individuals for 10 kms of the channel. Nesting is on meadows, in coastal osiers of Gorin's valleys in spring. It is feeding in shallow waters. Flight - from the third April decade up to the middle of May, in autumn - from the second half of September about the second October decade.
- Anas acuta Linnaeus. A common passage kind annually feeding in Tockichen channel, in Bich - Choney lake schools of 50-100 individuals were marked. Spring flight - from the third April decade up to the third May decade, autumn flight - from the second half of September up to the second October decade.
- Anas querquedula Linnaeus. A common passage and nesting kind. It settles near small shallow lakes on damp meadows in Gorin's lower reaches. In favorable places quantity reaches 3-5 broods for 1 km of a channel. Spring flight - in the second half of May, autumn flight - in September.
- Anas clypeata Linnaeus. Not numerous nesting and passage kind. Nesting is on damp meadows in Gorin's lower reaches. Spring flight - from the third April decade up to the middle of May, autumn flight - in September.
- Aix galericulata (Linnaeus). A rare, nesting and passage kind. They can be periodically seen in pairs in nesting period in valley deciduous woods along Gorin's coast.
- Aythya baeri (Radde). A rare passage kind. It can be seen in Amur's valley in May and September.
- Aythya fuligula (Linnaeus). A common passage kind. It can be seen in Gorin and Amur. Spring flight - from the third April decade up to the end of May, autumn flight- in September and in the first decade of October, the most intensively - in the third September decade.
- Aythya marila (Linnaeus). A common passage kind. It can be seen mainly on Amur's valley. Terms of migrations do not differ from #29.
- Histrionicus histrionicus (Linnaeus). A rare passage kind. Single birds or pairs can be met in Gorin in the third May decade - in the first decade of June.
- Bucephala clangula (Linnaeus). A common passage kind in Gorin's and Amur's valleys.
- Melanita deglandi (Bonaparte). Not numerous passage kind migrating in May, in the second half of September - the first decade of October. Separate birds could be occasionally seen in reserve in summer.
- Mergus albellus Linnaeus. A rare passage kind. Terms of migrations don't differ from the previous kind.
- Mergus serrator Linnaeus. A common passage kind migrating in May and the second half of September - the first decade of October. Can be met in Gorin and in its inflow mouths.
- Mergus merganser Linnaeus. A common passage kind. Terms of migrations and inhabitations do not differ from the previous kind.
- Mergus squamatus Gould. B.Voronov reported that he met this kind, in reserve it could not be seen, though in July, 1986 a brood was seen close to Zolotaya station, which, probably, belonged to this kind.
- Pandion haliaetus (Linnaeus). A rare kind. There constantly live 3 pairs in reserve. The nest in Zolotaya's source valley has been found, in deciduous wood restoring after fire. It is feeding in Gorin and adjoining reservoirs. Arrives in the second April decade and can be met up to the third October decade.
- Pernis ptilorhyncus (Tenminck).A rare kind. One pair in Gorin's valley,close to Zolotaya station where it is probably nesting, can be annually seen. Prefers deciduous woods of Gorin's valley. Arrives in the third April decade, can be met up to the middle of September.
- Milvus migrans (Boddaert). A common kind. In deciduous woods of Gorin's valley in reserve 4 pairs nest; it is feeding mainly in the river and its coasts. Autumn flight - in the second half of October and the first November decade. Arrives in the end of the first March decade.
- Circus melanoleucos (Pennant). A rare kind. In summer birds were registered over flood - lands meadows of Amur. Nesting is probable.
- Circus aeruginosus (Linnaeus). Not numerous kind. Can be met on boggy meadows of Polustansky island; nesting is probable. Arrives in the second April decade, in autumn - in the second half of September.
- Accipiter gentilis (Linnaeus). A common kind; it nests anually in area of Bolshaya Talandinka in darkconiferous, deciduous , mixed and valley woods.
- Accipiter nisus (Linnaeus). A common kind. Nesting is in all types of woods (in oak forests near Bichi village - 1.0 pair per square km.)
- Accipiter gularis (Temminck et Schlegel). Not numerous kind. Nesting is in valleys of the rivers. Autumn flight - in the first and second decades of September arrives in the first May decade.
- Buteo lagopus (Pontoppidan). A rare passage and wintering kind. Flying individual specimens were marked in the first and second decades of September. It can be seen within all winter.
- Buteo buteo (Linnaeus). A common and nesting kind. Can be met in Gorin's valley and in the mixed woods where quantity makes 0,5 pairs per square km. Autumn flight - in September or in the first decade of October. Arrives in the third March decade.
- Aquila clanga Pallas. A rare kind. It can be seen accidentally in area of Pooylya's mouth and in Zolotaya station since May till October. Nesting is probable.
- Aquila chrysaetos (Linnaeus). A rare kind. Can be met while roaming. Young birds were marked in October, 1987 and 1988 close to Baturinka cordon.
- Haliaetus albicilla (Linnaeus). A common kind. In reserve 6 pairs nest and constantly live about 8 young birds. 6 habitable nests have been found. Arrives in the third March decade, in autumn flying birds can be met up to the middle of November.
- Haliaetus pelagicus (Pallas). A rare kind. In reserve one pair nests and 1-2 young birds stay there. Arrives in the second March decade, in autumn it is late up to the end of October
- Falco subbuteo Linnaeus. A common and nesting kind. It inhabits woods of various types on all territory of reserve. Arrives at the first April decade, flies away in October.
- Falco amurensis Radde. A rare kind. It can be seen over Amur meadows in June, 1978.
- Falco tinnunculus Linnaeus. A common and nesting kind. It prefers feeding on meadows in Gorin's lower reaches. Arrives in the third April decade, autumn flight - in September.
- Lyrurus tetrix (Linnaeus). A rare kind. For the first time it was watched in November, 1993 in a birch wood near Baturinka cordon.
- Tetrao parvirostris Bonaparte. Not numerous settled kind. Can be met basically in deciduous and deciduous - birch woods (0.3 - 0.5 individuals per square km). It displays from the end of March up to the second May decade.
- Falcipennis falcipennis (Hartlaub). A rare settled kind. It can be seen in pools of Baturin, Podey, Malgo, Pomigly rivers.
- Tetrastes bonasia (Linnaeus). A numerous settled kind. It can be seen in all biotopes except open landscapes and ledum deciduous trees. The maximum number is registered in deciduous woods ( up to 10 individuals per square km., in birch and birch - deciduous - 3-6; in darkconiferous woods - 2).
- Coturnix japonica Temmnck et Schlegel. A common kind. Nesting is on meadows in Gorin's mouth. On a 5 kms-length route in June, 1978 6 displaying males were registered.
- Turnix tanki Blyth. A rare kind. Nesting is on meadows in Gorin's mouth.
- Grus monacha Temminck. A rare kind. Can be met on deciduous ìàðÿõ in Gorin's valley. In reserve 2 pairs nests. Arrives in the second April decade, flies away in the beginning of October.
- Porzana pusilla (Pallas). A rare kind. Nesting is on boggy meadows in Gorin's mouth.
- Porzana paykulii (Ljungh). A common kind. Nesting is on meadows and boggy sites of Gorin's valley. On a 5 kms - length route in area of a Zolotaya station 4 displaying males has been met. Arrives in the end of May; displays in the beginning of June.
- Fulica-atra Linnaeus. A rare kind. Nesting was seen on Shargol island in 1978.
- Pluvialis squatarola (Linnaeus). Not numerous passage kind. Can be met in Amur's valley close to Gorin's mouth; in spring - prior to the beginning of June and in autumn - in September.
- Pluvialis fulva (Gmelin). Not numerous, passage kind of Amur’s valley, in area of Gorin’s mouth where it flies by in August - September.
- Charadrius hiaticula Linnaeus. A rare passage kind. It can be seen in Amur’s valley in June, 1971.
- Charadrius dubius Scopoli. A common kind. Nesting is in Gorin’s pebbly beaches numbered 4-12 individuals for 10 kms of the river. Arrives at the end of April - the beginning of May, in autumn flight takes place up to the end of September.
- Vanellus vanellus (Linnaeus). A common kind. Nesting is in tussock bogs of Polustansky island. Arrives in the first April decade, flies away at the end of September.
- Arenaria interpres (Linnaeus). Not numerous, passage kind of Amur’s valley. Spring flight - in May, autumn flight - in September.
- Tringa ochropus Linnaeus. A common kind. Can be met at wood reservoirs. Nesting is probable. Arrives in the third April decade; autumn flight - in September.
- Tringa glareola Linnaeus. A common kind during flights. In summer individual pairs can be seen in shallow reservoirs of Polustansky island, nesting is probable. Flies by in May, in autumn - in September.
- Streptopelia orientalis (Latham). A common kind. Nesting is mainly in deciduous and mixed woods; in oakgroves it makes 2,2 pairs per square km. In birch woods - less than 0.5 pairs per square km. Arrives at the end of the second - the beginning of the third April decade). Flies away by the end of September.
- Hierococcyx fugax (Horsfield). A common kind. Nesting is in darkconiferous and deciduous woods where in some places 2-3 males are displaying simultaneously. Arrives in the second May decade, flies away at the end of August / in the first September decade.
- Cuculus micropterus Gould. Not numerous kind. Nesting is in deciduous/ deciduous - birch woods. Quantity close to former Bichi village makes 0,5 pairs per square km. The beginning of displayting is in the third May decade.
- Cuculus canorus Linnaeus. A common and nesting kind. Can be met in all types of woods. Quantity in vicinities of former Bichi village makes 0,5 pairs per square km. Usually the beginning of displaying is at the end of the second May decade, flies away at the end of August / beginning of September.
- Cuculus saturatus Biyth. A common and nesting kind , can be met in all types woods. It’s the most numerous kind of cuckoos in the reserve: in the mixed woods ( Talanda place, Zolotoy station) were watched 1,2 pairs per square km, in birch woods - 0,9, in darkconiferous/ deciduous woods (Talanda, Siutaru) - 0,8, in oak woods of Bichi cordon - 0,5. The beginning of displaying is in the second May decade, flies away at the end of the August/first decade of September.
- Nyctea scandiaca (Linnaeus). A rare kind. Wintering is not that often. In November/ December the schools of birds were watched in area of Kamenka cordone and Zolotoy station.
- Bubo bubo (Linnaeus). A rare kind, was watched in December, 1985 in Siootau upper reaches. Nesting is probably.
- Ketupa blakistoni (Seebohm). A rare kind. It was watched in the third decade of June, 1988 on the average current of Bolshaya Talandinka river. Nesting is probable.
- Asio otus (Linnaeus). A rare and nesting kind. Most frequently can be met in Gorin’s valley. The beginning of displaying is in the third March decade.
- Asio flammeus (Pontoppidan). A rare kind. Nesting is along rivers’ valleys. Quantity in deciduous woods of Pooylya place makes 0,8 pair per square km.
- Otus sunia (Hodgson). A rare kind. Nesting is in deciduous, oak and cedar - deciduous woods. In Gorin’s valley can be met everywhere. Arrives in the second May decade.
- Aegolius funereus (Linnaeus). A rare kind. It was watched at Zolotoy station in the third decade of October, 1993.
- Ninox scutulata (Raffles). A common kind. Nesting is mainly in ashen -elm and oak woods. Arrives in the third May decade. In autumn birds were met up to the middle of September.
- Strix uralensis Pallas. A common, settled and nesting kind. Prefers darkconiferous woods.
- Sirix nebulosa Forster. A common settled and nesting kind. Can be met primarily in darkconiferous and mixed woods.
- Caprimulgus indicus Latham. A common kinds. Nesting is in deciduous woods, at forests’ borders, and in meadows. The greatest quantity is in Gorin’s valley. Arrives at the end of May/ the beginning of June; in 1986 the arrival was marked in the 3d of May. Flies away in the beginning of September.
- Hirundapus caudacutus (Lathani). A common kind. Nesting is mainly in deciduous woods (in oakgroves of Bichi cordone 2,8 pairs per sq.km were marked). Arrives at the end of second May decade, flies away in the first half of September.
- Apus pacificus (Latham). A rare kind. Feeding individuals were watched in the reserve. Nesting is probable.
- Eurystomus orientalis (Linnaeus). A common kind. Nesting is mainly in Gorin’s valley: in cedar woods(Talanda,Siootaru places) quantity makes 0,5 pairs per sq. km., in the mixed woods (Talanda place) - < 0,5 pairs per sq.km; in the coastal mixed woods close to Zolotoy station – 0,5 pairs per sq.km. Arrives in the third May decade.Flies away in the beginning of September.
- Alcedo atthis (Linnaeus). A common and nesting kind. In Gorin quantity makes 2,6 individuals per 10 km of the river. Arrives in the beginning of the third April decade, flies away in the first half of October.
- Upupaepops Linnaeus. Not that numerous kind. In reserve nesting is mainly in deciduous woods of Amur’s valley. Arrives in the third April decade/in the beginning of May. Autumn flight is in September.
- Jynx torquilla Linnaeus. Not that numereous kind. Nesting is in deciduous woods, most frequently in oak groves on Gorin’s coast(close to Bichi cordon quantity makes 1,7 pairs per sq. km, in the mixed woods ( Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - < 0.5. Arrives at the end of the first/ in the second April decade.
- Picus canus Gmelin. A common and nesting kind. The greatest density (< 0,5 pairs per sq. km.) is in deciduous woods of Gorin valley and in oak groves.
- Dryocopus martlus (Linnaeus). A common settled nesting kind. Can be met in all types of woods. Quantity in oak woods of Bichi cordon makes 0,8 pairs per sq.km, in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 0.6, in deciduous woods of Pooylya place - 0,6; in darkconiferous- deciduous woods (Siootau, Talanda places) - < 0,5.
- Dendrocopos major (Linnaeus). A settled nesting kind, not that numerous. Most frequently can be met in oak woods and coastal osiers.
- Dendrocopos leucotos (Bechstein).The most numerous kind of woodpeckers in reserve. A settled kind. Nesting is practically in all types of woods. In deciduous woods of Bichi cordon - 5,0 pairs per sq. km, in Talanda place - 2,8; in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 1.3; in deciduous woods of Pooylya place - 0.8; in darkconiferous - deciduous woods (Talanda, Siootaru places)-0.6.
- Dendrocopos minor (Linnaeus). A common settled and nesting kind. Most frequently can be met in oak, ashen woods on Gorin’s valley. Quantity in a valley deciduous wood in area of Zolotaya station is 10 pairs per sq. km., in deciduous woods of Pooylya place makes < 0,5 pairs per sq. km.
- Picoides tridactylus (Linnaeus). A common and nesting kind. Nesting is only in darkconiferous/ - (and) deciduous woods.
- Riparia riparia (Linnaeus). A common and nesting kind. In reserve there is one colony located close to "Procop" channel, where about 30 pairs nest. Arrives in the first May decade, flies away in the second September decade.
- Hirundo rustica Linnaeus. A common kind. In reserve about 20 pairs nest on wooden structures of Bichi cordon. Arrives in the first May decade. Flies away by the end of 2-nd September decade.
- Hirundo daurica Linnaeus. Not that numerous kind. Some pairs irregularly nest on wooden structures of Bichi cordon. Arrives in the first May decade, flies away by the end of the second September decade.
- Eremophila alpestris (Linnaeus). A rare kind. Flies by in Amur’s valley in May and September.
- Alauda arvensis Linnaeus. A common kind. Nesting is on meadows and in Gorin’s lower reaches and on Polustansky island. Arrives in the first April decade, flies away in September / in the first and second October decades.
- Anthus richardi Vieiliot. A common kind. Nesting is on meadows of Polustansky island. In spring flies by in May.
- Anthus hodgsoni Richmond. A common kind. Nesting is in various types of woods, more frequently in deciduous and the mixed woods. Quantity in deciduous woods of Talanda place makes 1.1 pair per sq. km; in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotaya station)-0.8; in deciduous woods of Pooylya place - 0.5. Arrives in the second May decade, flies away in the second September decade.
- Anthus cervinus (Pallas). A common kind.Can be met on flights in Amur’s valley in May, and in 1st-2nd decades of September.
- Anthus spinoletta (Linnaeus). A rare kind. Individual birds were watched close to Bichi cordon and on Polustanovsky island in September,1988.
- Motacilla flava Linnaeus. A common and nesting kind. Can be met on Polustanovsky island and on meadows in Gorin’s lower reaches. Arrives at the end of April, flies away in September.
- Motacilla taivana (Swinhoe). A common kind. Nesting is on ìàðÿõ of Gorin’s valleys and meadows in its mouth. Arrives at the end of April/ in the beginning of May, flies away in September.
- Motacilla cinerea Tunstall. A common and nesting kind. Can be met in roadsides, on Gorin’s coasts, on stony screes. Quantity in the mixed woods crossed by wood roads in area of Talanda place and Zolotoy cordon makes 1,6 pairs per sq.km. Arrives at the end of April, flies away in the 1st – 2nd September decade.
- Motacilla alba Linnaeus. A common kind. Nesting is on Gorin’s valley and close to human constructions. Arrives in the middle of April, flies away in September/ the second decade of October.
- Lanius cristatus Linnaeus. A common kind. Nesting is mainly in thinned deciduous valleys of Gorin. Arrives in the beginning of the third May decade, flies away in September
- Lanius excubitor Linnaeus. A rare kind. Individual birds can sometimes be met in October in Zolotaya station.
- Oriolis chinensis Linnaeus. A common kind. Nesting is in deciduous woods of Amur’s valley and Gorin’s mouth (density in deciduous woods in area of Bichi cordon makes 4,4 pairs per sq.km). Arrives in the third May decade/ in the beginning of June, flies away in the third August decade/ in the beginning of September.
- Sturnia sturnina (Pallas). A rare kind. Nesting is in structures on Bichi cordon and in willow hollows in Shargol island. Arrives in the third April decade.
- Sturnus cineraceus Temminck. A common kind. Nesting is in deciduous woods of Gorin and Amur valleys (in oak forests of Bichi cordon quantity makes 4,0 pairs per sq.km). Arrives in the first April decade.
- Perisoreus infaustus (Linnaeus). A common nesting kind. Nesting is mainly in darkconiferous and the mixed woods; in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station quantity makes 1,7 pairs per sq. km; in dark – coniferous – deciduous woods (Siootaru, Talanda places) - 1,0 pair per sq. km.
- Garrulus glandarius (Linnaeus). A common nesting and wandering kind. can be met in various types of woods. Quantity in birch woods of Talanda place makes 5,4 pairs per sq. km; in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station)-1.3; in dark – coniferous - deciduous woods (Siootaru, Talanda places) - 0,8; in oak forests of Bichi cordon - 0,7.
- Cyanopica cyanus (Pallas). Not that numerous kind. Migrating individuals can be met in Gorin valley, nesting is possible.
- Pica pica (Linnaeus). A common settled kind. Nesting is in Gorin mouth and Amur valley.
- Nucifraga caryocatactes (Linnaeus). A common nesting and wandering kind. Occupies the coniferous and mixed woods. Quantity in dark - coniferous - deciduous woods (Siootaru, Talanda places) makes 1.4 pairs per sq. km; in deciduous woods of Talanda place – 1,1; in the mixed woods ( Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 1.0.
- Corvus macrorhynchos Wagler. A rare settled and wandering kind. Nesting is in woods of various types. In September, 1988 in Gorin lower reaches schools up to 10-15 individuals were met.
- Corvus corone Linnaeus. A common settled and wandering kind. The greatest density of nesting is recorded in mouth parts of Gorin valley. Quantity in oak forests of Bichi cordon makes 1,2 pairs per sq. km; in deciduous woods of Pooylya - 0.8, in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotiy station) - 0,5. Migrating schools up to 30 individuals could be met in Gorin lower reaches in the middle of September.
- Corvus corax Linnaeus. A rare kind. Separate migrating individuals can be met mainly in autumn and in winter.
- Bombycilla garrulus (Linnaeus). A rare kind, was met in summer in Gorin valley. Nesting is probable. Common in winter.
- Bombycilla Japonica (Siebold). A common nesting and migrating kind. Rare in winter. Can be met on all Gorin valley in the mixed woods, on ìàðÿõ, on overgrowing cinders.
- Pericrocotus divaricatus (Raffles). A numerous kind. Nesting is on all territory of reserve with the greatest density in ashen and oak woods. In ashen woods (Zolotoy station) 14.3 pairs per sq. km are registered; in oak woods (close to Bichi cordon) - 8; in deciduous woods (Pooylya place) - 0,8; in dark – coniferous - deciduous woods (Siootaru, Talanda places) - 0,7 pairs per sq. km.
- Cinclus pallasii Temminck. A rare and nesting kind. Can be met in upper reaches of Baturinka river.
- Troglodytes troglodytes (Linnaeus). A rare kind. It was met in May,1989 in darkconiferous wood of Zolotoy source’s valley, nesting is probable.
- Prunella montanella (Pallas). A rare kind.It was watched on flight in October, 1993 in Gorin valley.
- Urosphena squameiceps (Swinchoe). A common kind. Nesting is in dark – coniferous - deciduous woods, density makes 7,1 pairs per sq.km. Arrives in the 1st – 2nd May decade, flies away in the 1st – 2nd to September decade.
- Locustella fasciolata (Gray). Not that numerous nesting kind. Most frequently can be met in Gorin valley. Quantity in oak forests of Bichi cordon makes about 8 pairs per sq.km. Arrives in the 1st –2nd May decade. Flies away in the 1st –2nd September decade.
- Locustella certhiola (Pallas). A common kind. Nesting is on meadows in Gorin mouth and on Amur valley. Arrives in the 1st – 2nd May decade, autumn flight comes to an end by the 3-rd September decade.
- Locustella lanceolata (Temnlnok). A common kind. Nesting is on meadows in Gorin mouth. Arrives in the 1st –2nd May decade of May, last individuals are met in the beginning of third of September decade.
- Acrocephalus bistrigiceps Swinhoe. A numerous kind; prefers to nest on meadows in Gorin mouth and on Polustanivsky island. Arrives in the 1st –2nd May decade, flies away in September by the beginning of the third decade.
- Acrocephalus arundinaceus (Lin-naeus). A common kind. Nesting is in osiers of Gorin mouth and in Amur valleys.
- Phragmaticola aeedon (Pallas). A common kind. Nesting is in bushes thickets forming slope in deciduous woods of Gorin valley. Arrives at the end of April / in the first decade of May, flies away in September.
- Phylloscopus trochilus (Linnaeus). A rare passage kind: 4 birds are caught by a webnet in September, 1992 and 1993.
- Phylloscopus borealis (Blasius). A common on flight, while nesting it is rare. Arrives at the end of the 2nd / 3nd May decade. Autumn flight is in the 1st/ in the beginning of 3d decade of September.
- Phylloscopus trochilloides (Sundevall). A rare kind. Nesting is probable. In autumn flight individuals were seen in the first September decade.
- Phylloscopus tenellipes Swinhoe. A common kind. Nesting is in dark – coniferous - deciduous and the mixed woods. Quantity in dark – coniferous - deciduous woods (Talanda, Siootau places) makes 4,8 pairs per sq.km, in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station)-3,0; in birch woods adjoining with darkconiferous woods - 1,3 pair per sq. km.
- Phylloscopus coronatus (Temminck et Schlegel). A common, sometimes numerous kind. Nesting is mainly in deciduous woods; in darkconiferous woods it is connected to sites of deciduous trees. In oak forests close to Bichi cordon 10.5 pairs per sq.km nest; in birch woods of Talanda place - 6.7; in dark – coniferous - deciduous woods (Siootaru, Talanda places) - 2,6; in the mixed woods (Talanda place and Zolotoy station) - 2,0; in deciduous woods of Pooylya place - 0,5 pair per sq. km.
- Phylloscopus inornatus (Biyth). A common kind on flight, while nesting it is rare. Most frequently can be met in deciduous woods. Quantity in deciduous woods of Talanda place makes 2,2 pairs per sq km. Flight is in May, autumn flight is in September.
- Phylloscopus proregulus (Pallas). A numerous kind. Nesting is mainly in (dark)coniferous - deciduous woods, quantity there (Siootaru, Talanda places) makes 4.6 pairs per sq. km, in deciduous woods of Talanda place - 3,8; in deciduous woods of Pooylya - < 0,5 pair per sq.km. Arrives at the end of April / in the beginning of May, flies away by the end of September.
- Phylloscopus fuscatus (Biyth). A common and nesting kind; prefers to settle on overgrowing cinders in Gorin valley. In birch woods of Talanda place 1,8 pairs per sq.km nest. Arrives in the 3d April decade, autumn flight proceeds up to the end of September.
- Phylloscopus schwarzi (Radde). A common kind. Nesting is in valleys of the rivers and at glades, in thinned sites of a wood. Quantity in deciduous woods of Pooylya place makes 4,9 pairs per sq.km; in birch woods of Talanda place - 1.3; in oak forests of Bichi cordon -1.0 pair per sq.km. Arrives in the first May decade, flies away in the 1st – 2nd September decade.
- Regulus regulus (Linnaeus). A rare settled kind. Nesting is in dark – coniferous and the mixed woods (in dark – coniferous - deciduous woods of Siootaru and Talanda places 0.8 pairs / êâ km in number).
- Ficedula zanthopygia (Hay). A numerous kind. Nesting is in all types of woods, except darkconiferous - deciduous woods; prefers deciduous woods: in a valley deciduous wood of Zolotoy station 42,9 pairs per sq.km. are registered; in oak forests of Bichi cordon - 37,8; in deciduous woods of Pooylya place - 9,2; in birch woods of Talanda place - 4,4; in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 0.9 pair per sq. km. Arrives in the 2nd –3d May decade, flying away is finished in the first September decade.
- Ficedula mugimaki (Temminck). A common and nesting kind. Occupies mainly darkconiferous – deciduous woods and old deciduous woods. QUANTITY in deciduous woods of Talanda place makes 13,3 pairs per sq. km; in darkconiferous - deciduous woods ( Siootaru, Talanda places) - 6,7; in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 2,3; in deciduous woods of Pooylya place - < 0,5. Arrives in the 2nd –3d May decade, flies away in 1st –2nd September decade.
- Ficedula parva (Bechstein). A rare kind. Nesting is in the mixed woods of Gorin valley. Autumn flight is in 1st –2nd September decade. Arrives in the 1st –2nd May decade.
- Cyanoptila cyanomelana (Temminck). Not that numerous kind though somewhere it is common. Can be met practically in all types of woods growing on slopes. The greatest density on stony slopes of Gorin left coast makes 3,3 pairs per sq. km; in oak forests of Bichi cordon - 2,0; in darkconiferous - deciduous woods - < 0,5 pair per sq.km. Arrives in 1st –2nd May decade, flying away comes to an end in the 2nd September decade.
- Muscicapa sibirica Gmelin. A rare kind. Nesting is only in deciduous woods of Talanda place - 2,2 pairs per sq. km. Flight is in May and in the middle of September.
- Muscicapa griseistica (Swin-hoe). A rare kind. Can be met in old deciduous woods. Nesting is probable. In autumn flies by in middle of September.
- Muscicapa latirostris Raffles. A numerous kind. Nesting is in various types of woods: in darkconiferous – deciduous woods (Talanda, Siootaru places) - 16,2 pairs per sq. km; in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 13,5; in deciduous woods of Talanda place - 10,0; in deciduous woods of Pooylya place - 4,6; in oak forests of Bichi cordon - 3,0; in birch woods of Talanda place - 2,7. Arrives in the 2nd –3d May decade, flies away in the first September decade.
- Saxicola torquata (Linnaeus). It is usual. ãíåçäèòñÿ on meadows, ìàðÿõ and heathlands. Arrives(flies) in 2-nd decade of May, flies away in 1-2-e to decade of September.
- Petrophila gularis (Swinhoe). A common and nesting kind; prefers stony slopes especially overgrowing cinders on hills. On slopes of Gorin left coast ( Zolotoy station, Talanda place) 1,7 pairs per sq.km nest; in the mixed woods ( Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 0,8. Arrives in the beginning of the third May decade, flies away in the third August decade / the first September decade.
- Phoenicrus auroreus (Eversmann). Not that numerous kind though somewhere it is common; prefers not usual places: sites of the hills overgrowing after different fires at different $$ stages, glades in the mixed wood; vicinities of constructions. A nesting kind. Quantity in oak forests of Bichi cordon makes 2.7 pairs per sq. km; in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 1,0; in deciduous woods of Pooylya place - 0,8. Flies by from the end of 1st April decade up to the end of the third May decade, flies away in the second half of September / in the first October decade.
- Lucsinia calliope (Pallas). Not that numerous kind; besides, it's a nesting kind. Most frequently can be met in $$ and in places close to source’s mouth. Arrives at the end of April / in the first May decade. Flying away comes to an end in the third September decade.
- Luscinia cyane (Pallas). A numerous and nesting kind. It settles mainly in darkconiferous - deciduous and in the mixed woods; in deciduous woods, as a rule, it settles close to sites of darkconiferous woods; on valleys of sources. In darkconiferous - deciduous woods (Siootaru, Talanda places) 12,9 pairs per sq. km nest; in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 5,4; in birch woods of Talanda place - 2,3; in oak forests of Bichi cordon - < 0,5. Arrives in the 2nd –3d May decade. Flying away comes to an end in the first September decade.
- Luscinia sibilans (Swinhoe). A common kind. Nesting is mainly in darkconiferous - deciduous woods. ( Talanda, Siootaru places - 2,7 pairs per sq. km); in the mixed woods ( Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 2,5. Arrives in the second - the beginning of the third May decade. Flying away comes to an end in the second September decade.
- Tarsiger cyanurus (Pallas). A common and nesting kind. Can be met in darkconiferous - deciduous woods. Arrives in the beginning of the third April decade, flies away in the middle of September.
- Turdus pallidus Gmelin. A common kind. Nesting is in woods of various types: in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) quantity makes 1,1 pair per sq. km; in deciduous woods of Pooylya place - < 0,5. Arrives in the beginning of the third April decade, flies away by the end of the second September decade.
- Turdus obscurus Grolin. A rare kind. Individual birds can be met in September.
- Turdus hortullorum Sclater. A rare kind. Nesting is in the mixed woods of Gorin valley. Arrives in the first May decade.
- Turdus naumani Temminck. A rare passage kind, can be met in the period of seasonal migrations.
- Turdus eunomus Temminck. A numerous passage kind. Can be met during seasonal migrations since the second April decade up to the beginning of June and from the end of August up to the first November decades.
- Zoothera Sibilico. Not that numerous kind. Nesting is mainly in darkconiferous - deciduous woods (in the mixed woods of Talanda place, Zolotoy station quantity makes 0,5 pair per sq. km.).
- Zoothera dauma (Latham). A common kind. Nesting is in darkconiferous - deciduous woods. Quantity in Talanda place, Zolotoy station makes 1.0 pair per sq.km; in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - < 0,5. Arrives at the end of April / in the beginning of May.
- Aegithalos caudatus (Linnaeus). A common settled and migrating kind. Occupies woods of various types: in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) 8,1 pairs per sq. km nest; in birch woods of talanda place - 6,7; in oak forests of Bichi cordon - 5.6; in darkconiferous – deciduous woods (Talanda, Siootaru places) - 4,0 pairs per sq. km; in deciduous woods of Pooylya place - 0,8.
- Parus palustris Linnaeus. A rare settled and migrating kind.
- Parus montanus Baldenstein. A common settled and migrating kind. In darkconiferous – deciduous woods (Talanda, Siootaru places) 10,2 pairs per sq.km nest; in oak forests of Bichi cordon - 9,4; in deciduous woods of Talanda place - 8,0; in deciduous woods of Pooylya place - 7,4; in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 9; in birch woods of Talanda place - 5,3.
- Parus ater Linnaeus. A numerous settled and migrating kind. Nesting is in woods of various types: in darkconiferous – deciduous woods (Siootaru, Talanda places) quantity makes 14,6 pairs per sq. km; in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 10,7; in deciduous woods of Pooylya place - 10,3; in Talanda place - 8.9; in oak forests of Bichi cordon - 5,6; in birch woods of Talanda place - 0,7. In the beginning of September migrating schools up to 10 - 20 individuals were watched.
- Parus cyanus Pallas. Not that numerous kind, in some places it is a common kind. A settled, nesting and migrating kind. Can be met in area of Gorin mouth and on Amur valley in osierbeds, on margins, in waste grounds, on meadows. Nesting is marked in the structure of reserve cordon.
- Parus minor Temminck et Schlegel. A rare nesting and migrating kind. Can be met in oak forests of Gorin lower reaches (close to Bichi cordon quantity makes 6,3 pairs per sq. km.).
- Sitta europaea Linnaeus. A common settled and migrating kind. Nesting is in deciduous woods of Talanda place; quantity makes 10 pairs per sq.km; in darkconiferous - deciduous woods (Talanda, Siootaru places) - 9,3; in the mixed woods (talanda place, Zolotoy station)-8.6; in oak forests of Bichi cordon - 6,0; in deciduous woods of Pooylya place - 8,0; in birch woods of Talanda woods - 2.7.
- Certhia familiaris Linnaeus. A rare settled kind. Nesting is in the mixed woods of Gorin valley, in oak forests of Bichi cordon.
- Certhia familiaris Linnaeus. A rare settled and nesting kind. It can be seen in the mixed woods of Gorin valley, in oak forests of Bichi cordon.
- Zosterops erythropleura Swinhoe. A common nesting kind. Most frequently can be met in deciduous woods of Gorin valley. Quantity in ashen - elm woods of Zolotoy station makes 14,2 pairs per sq. km, in oak forests of Bichi cordon - 10,1 pairs per sq.km; in birch woods of Talanda place - 4,0 pairs per sq. km; in darkconiferous - deciduous (Talanda, Siootaru places) - 2,0 pairs per sq.km; in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 1,0 pairs per sq.km. Arrives in the 2nd -3d May decade, flies away prior to the beginning of the 3d September decade.
- Passer doinesticus (Linnaeus). A rare kind. It can be seen while roaming. A single bird is registered close to Bichi cordon in May, 1984.
- Passer montanus Linnaeus. A rare,settled, sometimes migrating kind. Some pairs nest on Bichi cordon. Quantity is increased in autumn due to migrating birds. In this period schools of this kind up to 15 - 20 individuals are marked in Zolotoy station.
- Fringilla montifringilla Linnaeus. A common passage kind migrating in April - May, and in September - the first half of October.
- Chloris sinica (Linnaeus). Not that numerous kind. Nesting in reserve is not established. It could be met during flights:in the third April decade / in May, and in the beginning of September.
- Spinus spinus (Linnaeus). A numerous nesting, migrating and passage kind. It prefers darkconiferous – deciduous woods where 10,6 pairs per sq.km are registered ( Talanda, Siootaru places); in deciduous woods of Talanda place - 6,7; in Pooylya place - 5,4; in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 3,7; in birch woods of Talanda place - 2,0; in oak forests of Bichi cordon - 2,0. Mass occurrence is marked in the third April decade, it is gradually reduced in September - October.
- Acanthis flannea (Linnaeus). A numerous passage and wintering kind. Can be met in all types of woods from the beginning of September up to the end of May.
- Leucosticte arctoa (Pallas). A rare passage kind. The schools of 50 individuals was watched in October,1984 on Bichi cordon, some birds were watched in the 3d October decade, 1988 on Zolotoy station.
- Carpodacus erythrinus (Pallas). A common kind; prefers nesting in brushwoods of Gorin valley and on Amur islands. In the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) 3.0 pairs per sq. km were registered; in birch woods of Talanda place - 1,3; in oak forests of Bichi cordon - 1,0. Arrives in the second May decade, flies away up to the beginning of the third September decade.
- Carpodacus roseus (Pallas). A common kind during flights: in the first half of May and in the third September decade / in October.
- Uragus sibiricus (Pallas). A common nesting and migrating kind. More frequently it can be met in ## woods in Gorin. In birch woods of Talanda place 2,7 pairs per sq.km are registered; in oak forests of Bichi cordon - 2,5; in darkconiferous - deciduous woods (Talanda, Siootaru places) - < 0,5. Flies in the middle of March, in autumn it is late up to the end of November.
- Pinicola enucleator (Linnaeus). A common passage and wintering kind. Can be met in since the 2nd half of October up to the end of April.
- Loxia curvirostra Linnaeus. A common kind; prefers nesting on sites of darkconiferous - deciduous woods: in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) quantity makes 5,8 pairs per sq.km; in darkconiferous – deciduous - 0,6.
- Loxia leucoptera Gmellin. A rare, migrating and probably nesting kind. It is marked in the first decade of June, 1984 in osierbeds on Gorin coast.
- Pyrrhula pyrrhula (Linnaeus). A wintering kind. In reserve it isn’t a common kind, in vicinities of Komsomolsk – na – Amure it is common. Flies in second half of October, flies away in April.
- Pyrrhula griseiventris LaTresnaye. A common kind. It nests, migrates and winters. Can be met in various types of woods. It is most frequently met on valleys of small sources. Quantity in oak forests of Bichi cordon makes 4,0 pairs per sq. km; in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 2,5; in darkconiferous – deciduous woods (Talanda, Siootaru places) - 1.4; in birch woods of Talanda place - 1,3 pairs per sq. km.
- Pyrrhula cineracea Cabanis. Not that numerous kind. A nesting, migrating and wintering kind. It can be met in darkconiferous – deciduous woods.
- Eophona personata (Temminck et Schlegel). Not that numerous kind. Nesting is in darkconiferous – deciduous, deciduous and the mixed woods of Gorin valley (in the mixed woods of Talanda place and Zolotoy station quantity makes < 0,5 pairs per sq.km).
- Coccothraustes coccothraustes (Linnaeus). A common, settled and migrating kind. Nesting is in various types of woods; prefers mixed and deciduous woods. Quantity in the mixed woods of Zolotoy station makes 7.1 pairs per sq.km; in deciduous woods of Pooylya place - 2,3. Schools of nonbreeding birds, mainly males in summer are marked. In period of successful crops of pine nuts it winters in darkconiferous - deciduous woods.
- Emberiza leucocephala Gmelin. A common kind. Nesting is in cinders and among sparse growth of trees on ranges and slopes. During flights it can be met on throughout all reseve territories. Quantity on Chekety mountainmass makes 8,3 pairs per sq. km; in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 0,6. Arrives in the 3rd March decade, flies away since September up to the middle of November.
- Emberiza fucata Pallas. A common kind. Nesting is on #### and meadows of Gorin valley. Arrives in the second May decade, flies away at the end of August / the beginning of September.
- Emberiza schoeniclus (Linnaeus). A rare passage kind. Schools of 20 - 30 individuals can be met in Gorin valley in the first May decade.
- Emberiza pallasi (Cabanis). A rare kind. Flies by over Amur valley in May and September.
- Emberiza elegans Temminck. A common kind. Nesting is in deciduous woods. Quantity in birch woods of Talanda place makes 8,0 pairs per sq. km; in oak forests of Bichi cordon - 4,0. In spring flies in the 2nd April decade, flies away by the end of the second October decade.
- Emberiza tristrami Swtnhoe. A common kind. Nesting is in coniferous – deciduous woods and on sites of darkconiferous wood in the mixed woods. Quantity in darkconiferous - deciduous woods (Talanda, Siootaru places) makes 5,4 pairs per sq. km, in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 0,8. Arrives in the 2nd May decade, flies away to the beginning of the 2-nd September decade.
- Emberiza rustica Pallas. A numerous passage kind throughout all territory of reserve. In spring flies by since the 3rd March decade up to the middle of May, in autumn – since the 1st September decade up to the end of October.
- Emberiza pusilla Pallas. A rare kind. Flies by on Amur valley in May.
- Emberiza spodocephala Pallas. A numerous kind. Nesting is in woods of various types, but in darkconiferous - deciduous woods – extremely on sites with prevalence of deciduous trees. In the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) nesting makes 8.8 pairs per sq. km; in @@@@@ of Talanda place - 6,7; in birch trees of Talanda place - 5.3; in @@@@@ of Pooylya place - 5,1; in darkconiferous – deciduous woods( Siootaru, Talanda places - 3,8; in oak forests of Bichi cordon - 2,7. Flies in in the third April decade; an autumn flight – between 1st September decade and 1st October decade.
- Emberiza aureola Pallas. A numerous kind. Nesting is mainly on meadows of Gorin’s lower reaches and on Amur valley. Arrives in middle of May, flies away between the end of August and 1st September decade.
- Emberiza rutila Pallas. A common nesting kind. Prefers settling in @@@@@, it prevailes in motley grass @@@@@ on watersheds – 10 pairs per sq.km. In deciduous woods of Talanda place nesting makes 6,7 pairs per sq.km, in the mixed woods (Talanda place, Zolotoy station) - 0,6. Arrives in the second May decade; flies away in 1 – 2 September decades.
- Calcarius lapponicus (Linnaeus). A numerous passage kind. Flies by in the third April decade / in May and in September.
- Plectophenax nivalis (Linnaeus). A numerous passage and wintering kind. It can met since September till May. Intensively flies by in the end of March, and in the second half of October.
Sources used at drawing up of the annotated list of birds
- Babenko V.G. About spatial and reproductive relationsof two forms of yellow wagtails // " Biological sciences " Magazine (Scientific reports of the higher school), # Ç, Moscow, 1981, pp. 42- 45.
- Babenko V.G., Poyarkov N.D. Ornithological and geographical features of open landscapes of lower Priamurye // " Biological sciences " Magazine (Scientific reports of the higher school), # 12, Moscow, 1984, pp. 35-39.
- Babenko V.G., Kolbin V.A. Specifying borders of distribution of east titmouse in Amur lower reaches // “Ornithology” Magazine, # 24, Moscow, 1990, p. 140.
- Vorobiyov K.A. Birds of Ussuriysky territory. Moscow, 1954, pp. 1-359
- Zinovyev V.I. About birds of Amur lower reaches. // Thesis report of 2 ornithological conferences. Part 3, Moscow, 1959, pp. 84-85.
- Zinovyev V.I. About ornitological fauna of Amur lower reaches. // Proceedings of Kalinin department of @@@@, Part 2, Moscow, 1960, pp. 41-52.
- Kistyakovsky A.B., Smogorzhevsky L.A. Materials on fauna of lower Amur birds // “Questions of geography of Far East” Magazine, # 2, Zoogeography, Khabarovsk, 1973, pp. 182-224.
- Kolbin V.A. Black crane in Komsomolsky reserve. // Cranes of Palearctic. Vladivostok, USSR Academy of Science, 1988, pp. 204-205.
- Kolbin V.A. Rare predatory birds in Komsomolsky reserve. // Rare birds of the Far East and their protection. Vladivostok, USSR Academy of Science, 1988, pp 130-131.
- Kolbin V.A, Babenko V.G. Summer population of birds in Komsomolsky reserve, Ornithology, In print.
Stepanyan L.S. Abstract of the USSR ornithological fauna,Moscow, 1990, pp. 1-726.
- Shtilmark F.R. Ground vertebrates of Komsomolsky reserve and attached territories, Questions of geography of Far East # 2, Zoogeography. Khabarovsk, 1973. pp. 30-124.
- Yachontov V.D. New data on ornithological fauna of lower Amur. Questions of geography of lower Amur, part.6, Khabarovsk, 1963, pp. 215-223.
- Schrenck L. Relsen und Forschungen In Amur - Lande in der Jahren 1854-1856. B.1. Vogel des Amur Landes. I860. s. 217-567.
V.A.Harchenko, V.A.Kolbin
Data on mammal fauna of Gorin lower current before reserve formation contains in works by F.R.Shtilmark (1967) and A.Kuznetsov (1974,1975).
The first faunistic list of reserve mammal was made up by S.I.Shootsky in 1980on the basis of his researches and researches of F.R. Shtilmark.
At drawing up of the present list materials of Annals of reserve nature between 1980-1992 collected and processed by S.I. Shutsky, V.A.Mootin. V.A.Kolbin and V.Bondarenko, inspectors of protection, and also reports of zoological expedition of the Ivanovo university between 1987-1990 were used.
Accounts of mammals on their traces were carried out in the winter period in four constant trial areas. Since 1980 to 1993 at the end of February airaccount of large mammal to specify groundaccount was carried out.
Accounts of small mice kinds were carried out three times a year: in the beginning of May, in the middle July and at the end of September by traplines of 25-50 units.
- Erinaceus europaeus L. Can be met rarely. For the first time it was seen in 1990 in Zolotoy source( north – west part of reserve).
- Sorex unguiculatus Dobson. Not that numerous kind; it occupies woods especially rivers valleys.
- Sorex daphaenodon Thomas. A common kind, it inhabits woods, bogs rivers valleys.
- Sorex isodon Turov. Parameters of the account change from 0,1 up to 0,3 on 100 individuals a day.Spread all over reserve. It inhabits rivers valleys, in osier – beds, in deciduous woods.
- Sorex gracilimus Thomas . A rare kind. It inhabits woods and rivers valleys.
- Sorex caecutiens Laxmann. A common kind. It inhabits damp cites of all types of woods.
- Neomys fodiens Pennant. A rare kind. It inhabits river coasts.
- Myolls daubentoni Kuhl. A common kind. It inhabits cites close to reservouires
- Plecotus auritus L. A rare kind. It inhabits southern part of reserve(close to Bichi village), in garrets, in hollows.
- Murina leucogaster Milne-Edw. The first individual could be seen firstly in area of Zolotoy source in 1993.
- Lepus timidus L. A common kind;it is distributed through all reserve territory.Quantity of the kind varies from 200 up to 800 individuals, its density - 2,25-6,8 individuals on 1000 hectares. It occupies all wood biotopes, especially fellings, fumes, @@@@
- Ochotona hyperborea Pall. A common kind; inhabits north-east part of reserve on valleys of sources and shallow rivers.
- Pteromys volans L. A rare kind; it inhabits all types of woods.
- Sciurus vulgaris L. A numerous or common kind in all reserve territory. The density changes from 12.7 up to 29,9 individuals on 1000 hectares. It occupies all types of woods preferring root plantings. Can be met in darkconiferous - deciduous woods less often, in @@@@@@@ more often.
- Tamias sibiricus Laxmann it. A numerous kind; inhabits all types of woods. Can be met on @@@@@ meadows, cinders, growing fellings. A parameter of the account makes 0,5-3 individuals on 100 !!!!.
- Apodemus agrarius Pall. A parameter of the account changes depending on a year from 0,04 up to 18 individuals !!!!!! Biotope is @@@@@@ meadows.
- Apodemus peninsulae Thomas. A numerous or common kind in all reserve territorve. The parameter of the account changes depending on a year from 1.4 up to 5,3 individuals !!!!!!!!.; occupies all types of woods, $$$$$ meadows.
- Mus musculus L. A numerous kind but it is distributed locally. Can be met in the south of reserve in Bichi village ( in constructions) and its vicinities (!!!! meadows).
- Micromys minutus Pall. Not that numerous kind, it could be seen not each year. It can be met in northern part of reserve (a vicinity of a Zolotoy source,Talanda place). In 1989 the maximal quantity of individuals caught - 9.
- Rattus norvegicus Bercenhout. A rare kind. It can be met in Bichi village ( in constructions) and its vicinities (!!!! meadow).
- Rattus rattus L. A rare kind. In 1989 2 individuals in vicinities of Zolotoy station.
- Ondatra zibethica L. It is usual for all reserve territory; here inhabit about 1000 individuals. Density on 1000 hectares - 104 individuals. This kind inhabits riverbanks, channels, gulfs, sources.
- Clethrionomys rufocanus Sundervall. A numerous or common kind in all reserve territory. A parameter of the account varies depending on a year from 0,8 up to 4,5 individuals !!!!!!!!. It occupies all types of woods, @@@@@@@ meadows, deciduous - ledum bogs, growing fellings, fumes.
- Clethrionomys rutilus Pall. A common kind. The parameter of the account varies depending on a year from 0,7 up to 7 individuals on @@@@@. It occupies all types of woods, appears in @@@@@@ meadows.
- Microtus fortis Buchner. A common kind. The parameter of the account varies from 0,3 up to 4,5 individuals @@@@. It occupies osier - beds, $$$$$$ meadows, bank shrub thrickets.
- Nyctereutes procyonoides Gray. It is more common in the southern part of reserve though it can be met in all its territory. Totally in reserve 30 - 40 individuals inhabit. It adheres to deciduous woods in flood - lands and on islands.
- Cants lupus L. A rare kind. In reserve 3-5 individuals inhabit; it inhabits all types of woods.
- Vulpes vulpes L. It is a common kind for the southern part of reserve. Its quantity varies depending on a year from 20 up to 100 individuals. It inhabits in woods of Gorin valley and coasts of Amur, meadows in the mouth of Gorin.
- Ursus arctos L. A common kind through all reserve territory. Quantity makes 60-70 individuals. It can be met in all types of woods.
- Ursus thibetanus G-Cuvler. A rare kind. Individual appearings in the southern part of reserve. Suggested biotope: @@@@@ and cedar - deciduous woods.
- Meles meles L. Not that numerous kind. In reserve 2-3 families in Gorin's valley inhabit .
- Gulo gulo L. A rare kind. It can be met incidentally during winter accounts in all types of woods.
- Martes zibe11ina L. A common kind. Quantity varies depending on a year from 160 up to 480 individuals, the density on 1000 hectares makes from 1,5 up to 4.7 It can be seen in all types of woods, prefers darkconiferous - deciduous woods.
- Mustela nivalis L. A rare kind. Density of this kind varies from 0,9 up to 2,5 individuals on 1000 hectares. It inhabits all types of woods.
- Mustela erminea L. A rare kind; inhabits all types of woods, bogs and @@@@@ meadows.
- Mustela sibirica Pall. A common kind. Quantity of this kind varies depending on a year from 20 up to 130 individuals. It can be met in all types of woods.
- Mustela vison Schreber. Quantity of this kind according to the latest available data makes 30 - 40 individuals. Density on the average - 1,5 individuals on 1000 hectares. It inhabits valleys of the rivers, channels, sources.
- Lutra lutra L. A common kind. 8 -10 individuals inhabit rivers and sources of reserve.
- Panthera tigris L. Rare appearings. Last time it could be met in winter, 1985.
- Felis lynx L. It could be met in south-west part of reserve (area of Kamenka source). Quantity - 2- 4 individuals
- Sus scrofa L. Individuals appearings. It could be seen in the south - west part of reserve in May, 1982 in area of Chenki river; in 1987 - in vicinities of Kamenka source .
- Moschus nioschiferus L. Quantity - 20-30 individuals. Lives in darkconiferous taiga.
- Cervus elaphus L. A rare kind. It inhabits south - east part of reserve (it could be seen in area of Kamenka source). Totally in reserve territory live about 10 individuals. This kind inhabits in darkconiferous - deciduous and mixed woods.
- Capreolus capreolus L. A common kind. Quantity varies depending on a year from 50 up to 200 individuals. It inhabits all types of woods, meadows in Gorin lower reaches.
- Alces alces L. A common kind. Quantity varies depending on a year from 120 up to 200 individuals, density - from 1,3 up to 2,4 individuals on 1000 hectares. It inhabits all types of woods.

The sources used at drawing up of the annotated list mammal:
- "Ground mammal of the Far East of the USSR":Determinant / Moscow, Science, 1984.
- Shtilmark F.R." Ground vertebrates of Komsomolsky reserve and adjoining territories". Questions of geography of Far East, part 11, Zoogeography, 1972.pp 3- 29.
- The nature annals of Komsomolsky reserve in period between 1980-1992.
- Scientific reports of Okulova N.M. " On work of zoological expedition of Ivanovo state university in Komsomolsky state reserve " in period between 1987- 1990.