Downstream Gur&Amur rivers ( 2 or 1 days)

This simple tour would suit people who want to have a quiet family rest, and also for people who are not
experienced or prepared for more.
The river Gur – large inflow of the Amur river, has picturesque nature, and not many mosquitoes. The untouched
forest is similar to jungle. In the upper reaches of the Gur live some families of Amur tigers.
The programme:
1-st day. 11.00 - departure by bus from Komsomolsk,
up to the bridge over the river Gur (on a line Komsomolsk - Khabarovsk) 110 km, taking 1.2 hours. After arrival tourists prepare and check equipment, have dinner, and go rafting and fishing on the river Gur up to a confluence of the Amur river. ( 20 km)
(very pure water, fish: grayling , goldilocks). Overnight on sandy beach , in tents for 2-5 person. Swimming, gold sand.
2-nd day. All day tourists slowly raft along the Amur river, by catamarans, with support of a motor-boat.( 50 km)
Visit ancient villages: Voznesenskoe (here we shall buy rural fresh milk), Verhniya Ekon’ (if it is possible, a native museum).
Arrival on river station Komsomolsk about 8 p.m.

mob.fon.: Call +7 914 189 1784 or
+7 (4217 ) 20 10 67 for reservations and information.