Komsomolsk-on-Amur as the center Stalin's Penitentiary Camps in Khabarovsk territory.

If you are interested in the topic you can to visit places of location of camp departments and camp cemeteries.
You will see the quarries made up by prisoners of station camps and the Administrative Office of these camps,
rails of the Old BAM (Bailkal Amur Railway) and the first tunnel of BAM.

Long(2-3 days), middle(5 hours) and short (3,5 hours) duration this tour is possible.
Usually this long tour consists of 3 parts :
1."For Whom The Bell Tolls" (STALIN CAMPS in Komsomolsk);
2."The Old Bailkal-Amur Railway (BAM)";
3."Construction - 500" ( building the railway "Komsomolsk- Sovgavan").