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State Natural Reserve 'Komsomolsky'.


Komsolsky Nature Reserve is located at the mouth of the Gorin river, a tributary of the Amur River, 50 km away from Komsomolsk-na-Amure. The reserve was established in 1963, and its main objectives are research, nature protection, and ecological education.It is located in the Pacific region and its moderate climate is influenced by Far Eastern monsoons.

The mighty Gorin river makes the reserve a unique place, which shelters 236 species of birds, 45 species of mammals, 12 species of amphibians and reptiles and a rich variety of icthyofauna. Seasonal migrations of many species of fish, Sazan and Crucian, take place here. Various species of salmon spawn in the upper river and its tributaries. Majestic sea eagles (Halieetus pelagicus and Halieetus albicilla) also live in Komsomolsky Nature Reserve.

You can visit web-site State Nature Reserve "Komsomolsky"

Below we offer the routes we have tested:

Komsomolsk State Nature Reserve.


Duration: 3 days

Day 1.
6:42 am - Breakfast on coming to Komsomolsk.
9:00 am - Tourists leave by bus for the central office of Komsomolsky state reserve, where they will be given a lecture about nature of reserve and forthcoming route.
10.00 am - Departure for the territory of reserve up to Tikhaya cordon (80 kms, 1,5 hours from Komsomolsk).
Meetings with the employees of reserve, dinner.
Rafting on inflatable catamarans and motor boats with support and excursion of the reserve employees up to the Talanda river inflow of.
Spending night in tents.

Day 2.
Exploration of caves, watching birds, visiting observation cites.
Lunch. Continuation of rafting up to the mouth of Gorin river and ancient Nanaian village Bichi.Visit of Nanaian house.
In the evening - sauna (Russian "banya").
Spending night in small tourist houses or tents in Bichi cordon.

Day 3.
Ending of excursions over reserve.
6:00 pm - Leaving for Komsomolsk.


Duration: 1 day

9:00 am - Departure for the territory of reserve up to Kamenka cordon (60 kms, 1 hour by car from Komsomolsk).
Meetings with reserve employees.
A walk along the Gorin river by motor-boats with excursion told by reserve employees.
Watching a view the river from the mountain top.
Lunch. Watching birds.
Visit of a small Nanaian museum in Bichi village.
6:00 pm - Leaving for Komsomolsk.

This tour is also possible to make by yacht for 2-3 days.

Excursion round the central office of Komsomolsk State Nature Reserve (3 hours).

The central office of Komsomolsk State Nature Reserve is situated almost in the center of Komsomolsk - in Silinsky park that is considered to be the biggest park of the city.
Having visited the park you can learn much about original fauna and flora of taiga forest and realise the importance of the reserve for Khabarovsk Region on the whole.

   Ecological tours >> State Natural Reserve 'Komsomolsky'  
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